Regional families encouraged to use active travel this half term

This half term, families across the North East are being encouraged to make the most of the new Go Smarter, Go active days out guides and interactive cycling and walking maps to plan days out this Autumn.

The new Go Smarter, Go Active tools encourage more sustainable, active travel, reducing the reliance on travelling by car- and are the perfect resources to help regional families leave the car at home and explore the beauty of the North East on foot or by bike.

Cllr Martin Gannon, Chair of the North East Joint Transport Committee said “We helped thousands of people get back on their bike this summer as part of our region-wide Go Smarter, Go Active Roadshow. I hope that people put their new found love of active travel into action by getting out and about this half term, making use of the new days out guides and interactive walking and cycling maps which show every route across the region.

“Greater use of active travel during the half term holiday and beyond, will help us to deliver our transport ambitions as outlined in the region’s Transport Plan. We want to drive down carbon emissions and encouraging more use of active travel for leisure journeys as well as commuting will help achieve our goals.

“Not only does it take cars off the road and reduce carbon emissions, but the health and well-being benefits that come with traveling actively will stay with you well beyond your day out.”

With 16 days out guides, spanning the whole of the region, there’s plenty of ways to inject some fun and excitement into the school holidays and make some memories with the kids, or your family or friends.

Families can try ‘A bit of the sea’ and enjoy the spectacular coastline spanning North Tyneside to Northumberland while learning about the historic industrial town of Seaton Sluice and the war memorabilia that adorns the golden stretch of sandy shoreline in Blyth.  Those looking for more urban pursuits, can take on the ‘Tyne Trek’ and explore some of the most celebrated and recognisable landmarks offered as part of this riverside ramble. These are just two of the routes, but there are many more waiting to be discovered, including routes of varying lengths with many suitable for wheeled pedestrians, those with limited mobility and pushchairs (just look out for the orange dotted line on the guides to spot these shorter, fully accessible routes).

The Go Smarter, Go Active interactive walking and cycling maps cover the whole of the North East and allow you to plot your own walking or cycling route using your exact location. It also links with public transport for those contemplating longer journeys- providing endless opportunities for active autumn adventures during half term.

The Go Smarter, Go Active maps and itineraries have been created and delivered on behalf of the North East Joint Transport Committee by Transport North East, working in partnership with the seven North East Local Authorities.

Funding for the campaign has been provided by the government’s Active Travel Fund.

 Download the guides and maps for free at:

#GoSmarterGoActive #LetsGetCycling #LetsGetWalking

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